There are days during the Summer when I'm so exhausted from fighting the hay fever that I feel like a puppet with the strings cut. Today was one of those days. Entirely my own fault: earlier in the week I noticed I hadn't stocked up on antihistamines and decided to do without for a bit as after all it's barely Spring, there's no grass pollen about and I can't be all that allergic to the cat can I? Day two of the experiment had me wiping my nose every two minutes so I gave in and nipped out to the chemist's. Today, after an atrocious night's sleep, I think they're starting to kick in. The plan for today was a visit to Marshside but I kicked that into touch. Instead I'd have a local walk after I'd run an errand. I got back from the shop and went back to bed.
Which was a waste of another bright, cool day. The spadgers, with a lot of help from a flock of goldfinches, emptied the seed feeders in the back garden. I only had enough sunflower seed in for one and a half feeders but had a bag of mealworms for the spadgers to have a go at before the starlings notice and scoff the lot.
The woodpigeons are canoodling in the sycamores, the jackdaws and collared doves are paired up and I noticed one of the magpies taking sticks into the failed nest in one of the roadside alders. The first hint of sunshine and the garden's full of birdsong. It won't be long before I'll be lying in bed confusing blackcaps and garden warblers in the dawn chorus.
I'm pretty sure the dunnock's escaped from the washhouse though I haven't done an exhaustive search.
The parakeet comes into the garden first thing and last thing on its way out to wherever from the roost on Stretford Meadows. It doesn't linger, just making a lot of noise from the top of the tree before moving on. I'm quite happy with that state of affairs.
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