A good afternoon's birdwatching round Martin Mere, trains notwithstanding. Last time I went, a few weeks ago, a couple of bin men told me there were some little owls in the paddock next to the field of leeks. I've seen them there a few times before but the last time was a couple of years ago. Just at the point of giving up I noticed that the top of one of the distant fence posts was staring at me, so that's little owl added to the year list.
Martin Mere was busy with black-headed gulls, lapwings and black-tailed godwits. The water was high due to the rain over the weekend so the green sandpipers and ruffs were confined to the far end of the marsh at the Ron Barker Hide (apparently I'd just missed two wood sandpipers). A couple of marsh harriers and a sparrowhawk kept the waders on the alert.
Juvenile black-headed gull, Martin Mere |
The place was heaving with butterflies, particularly some very photogenic painted ladies and red admirals. The dragonflies and damselflies weren't for keeping still for any photos which is a shame as there were some cracking emperor dragonflies whirring round.
Painted lady, Martin Mere |
Peacock, Martin Mere |
Red admiral, Martin Mere |
These guys were watching me have my cup of tea.
Nestling swallows, Martin Mere |