Black-tailed godwits, Leighton Moss

Sunday 23 June 2024

A bad June for butterflies

I've been saying it's been a bad June for butterflies. I thought I'd have a look to see if my records confirm that impression. Sadly, yes they do.

Number of species of butterflies recorded
(Brown line = 2024)

I've seen large whites, a couple of speckled woods, a brimstone and a peacock so far this month.

The number of records.
I've barely limped into double figures.

I've hardly ever seen more than one species a day.

It's been those consistent North winds in late May and most of the first half of June that have done the damage.

Cumulative total number of species for the year.

Number of butterfly species recorded each month.

Cumulative number of records for the year

I hope they can bounce back now the weather's starting to turn less chilly.

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