Black-tailed godwits, Leighton Moss

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Lazy Tuesday

The back garden 

For the first morning in ages there wasn't three dozen lesser black-backs on the school playing field. It was so warm the school had the kids out there doing Games rather than festering in the classrooms. Which is how things should be, much as I hated Games at school.

I had an unexpected free morning so I thought I'd get a shop in, finding along the way that our local bus to Urmston seems to have been chopped. Or so it seemed after I stood like piffy at the stop then checked the Bee Network website to see if it had been delayed only to find the service couldn't be found. That turns out to have been a technical hitch, it reappeared after I contacted them. Unlike the bus. By the time I got home I was hot and tired and didn't feel like doing much this afternoon. This was OK as I had a plan for a twilight walk that might be productive. After looking at last night's cancellations and then today's I decided against. There are times of the day when you don't fly without a safety net.

The blackcap seems to have settled in the sycamores and didn't shut up all day after kicking off at half six in the morning. The blackbird at least clocks off for a siesta. The wren was singing as normal all morning but this afternoon he's been dodging round the garden in a very agitated manner, ticking at anything and everything including a few falling rose petals. He might as well put up a poster telling everyone the kids are on their first walkabout. It was nice to see and hear his partner, I hardly ever see her in Summer.

So it's a mellow evening with the blackbird and the blackcap singing in the back garden, the wren calming down a bit for a rummage round in the blackcurrants and a couple of swifts scything their way through an overcast sky. There are worse things in this life.

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