Kentish plover and ringed plover, Southport |
Over to Southport in murky weather to have a look at the very obliging Kentish plover on the beach opposite Pleasureland. A lifer and a bonny little bird at that.
Kentish plover and ringed plover, Southport |
It was easy to see where it was by the gaggle of birdwatchers, even more so because an amiable chap called Phil was making sure every passer-by had a look at it through his telescope. It was actually very easy to see just with binoculars once you got your eye into whereabouts roughly it was. A small, pale bird with a very bright white breast.
Kentish plover, Southport |
Kentish plover, dunlin and ringed plover, Southport |
It looked like this bird was all front and no back end but that was mostly because the white tail disappeared into the background. Even so, a lot more front-heavy than the ringed plovers.
Kentish plover and ringed plover, Southport |
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